
Intrusion 2 gameplay trailer
Intrusion 2 gameplay trailer

The truth is that retracing the steps of experienced cyber-attackers is a highly complex process that takes time to carry out effectively. Over several days Sony Network Entertainment America then released information to its consumers when we and those experts believed that information was sufficiently confirmed. Sony Network Entertainment America immediately hired a highly regarded information technology security firm and supplemented that firm with additional expertise and resources. Provide relevant information to the public when it has been verified. We have tried to err on the side of safety and security in making these decisions and judgments.Ģ. ("Sony Network Entertainment America"), which operates the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services (collectively, "PlayStation Network"), has taken the almost unprecedented step of shutting down the affected systems as soon as threats were detected and is keeping them down even at substantial cost to the company, until all changes to strengthen security are completed. This is why Sony Network Entertainment America Inc. In dealing with this cyber-attack, the company has operated on the basis of several key principles: We have received so far no confirmed reports of illegal usage of the stolen information. We expect to restore most services to our customers shortly. We are currently dealing with all aspects of this cyber-attack and have our personnel deployed and working around the clock to get the systems back up and to make sure all our customers are informed of the data breach and our responses to it. This cyber-attack came shortly after Sony Computer Entertainment America was the subject of denial of service attacks launched against several Sony companies and threats made against both Sony and its executives in retaliation for enforcing intellectual property rights in U.S. Sony now faces a large-scale cyber-attack involving the theft of personal information. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to respond to questions from the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade. Dear Chairman Bono Mack and Ranking Member Butterfield:

Intrusion 2 gameplay trailer